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  • /* Start hosts */ if (preg_match('[frdl.to]',$url)) { $variable = str_replace('https://frdl.to/', '', $url); $u = "https://frdl.io/$variable"; $ch = curl_init($u); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); $newquery = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $code = 'File Not Found'; if (strpos($newquery, $code) === FALSE) { /* $page = file_get_contents('https://katfile.com/'.$variable.''); $code = 'File has been removed'; if (strpos($page, $code) === FALSE) { */ echo "
  • FreeDL
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  • FreeDL
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  • KatFile
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  • \"Download NitroFlare
  • "; } else { // The Query for all post // $args = array ( 'posts_per_page' => -1 ); // $the_query = new WP_Query( $args ); // The Loop to replace same link for all post // while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : // $the_query->the_post(); // replacing dead link // $price_key = 'bulk_linkss'; $variable1 = str_replace('https://nitroflare.com/view/', 'https://nitroflaredeleted.com/view/', $url); $getPrice = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), $link_box, true); $newPrice = str_replace(array($url),$variable1, $getPrice); update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $link_box, $newPrice); // endwhile; } } elseif (preg_match('[nitro.download]',$url)) { $variable = str_replace('https://nitro.download/view/', '', $url); $u = "https://nitroflare.com/view/$variable"; $ch = curl_init($u); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); $newquery = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); // $code = 'Probably deleted'; // if (strpos($newquery, $code) === FALSE) { // Define the text patterns to search for $patternsToCheck = [ 'Probably deleted', 'This file has been removed due to inactivity' ]; // Initialize a flag to check if any pattern is found $patternFound = false; // Check if any of the patterns exist in $newquery foreach ($patternsToCheck as $pattern) { if (strpos($newquery, $pattern) !== false) { $patternFound = true; break; // Exit the loop if any pattern is found } } // If no patterns were found, echo the link, otherwise change the URL if (!$patternFound) { /* $page = file_get_contents('https://nitro.download/view/'.$variable.''); $code = 'Probably deleted'; if (strpos($page, $code) === FALSE) { */ echo "
  • \"Download NitroFlare
  • "; } else { // The Query for all post // $args = array ( 'posts_per_page' => -1 ); // $the_query = new WP_Query( $args ); // The Loop to replace same link for all post // while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : // $the_query->the_post(); // replacing dead link // $price_key = 'bulk_linkss'; $variable1 = str_replace('https://nitro.download/view/', 'https://nitrodeleted.download/view/', $url); $getPrice = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), $link_box, true); $newPrice = str_replace(array($url),$variable1, $getPrice); update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $link_box, $newPrice); // endwhile; } } /* End hosts */ } ?>

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Watch Gooner School Porn Online Free

Gooner School

3 hrs. 15 mins.Sep 25, 2023
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2 seconds will be deducted from your Pay-Per-Minute time for every second watched.Premium PPM allows us to bring you the best Adult content from the hottest studios.Gooner SchoolTo express her extreme anal kinks, gorgeous XXX luminary Sheena Shaw is creating her own distinctive scenes. She stars in and co-directs the six surreal, fem-dom sessions of Gooner School, fashioning artistic wardrobe and set design. Co-director John Stagliano shoots camera. Through the movie, dirty-talking Sheena and her comely costars taunt shamelessly porn-addicted Gooners – including the cameraman and viewers – about the dirty fun they can only watch, but never touch. Scene 1 – Gooner School: A homeowner with a camera is surprised to find scantily clad Sheena and Sophia Burns practicing for a cheer competition on his sunny patio. Slender, dirty blonde Sheena and thickly built brunette Sophia shake pom-poms and twerk in tiny latex skirts over white panties … until they spot the homeowner, whom they assume to be a peeping pervert. Inside, the girls display wedgies and camel toes. They work a variety of wicked toys (glass dildos like anal periscopes; a fat garden gnome, more) into their flexible, gaping bungholes. Sophia winks her anus and lowers her butt onto the homeowner’s face. The bossy, bratty tarts stuff gigantic candy jaw breakers into their rectums, push them out and taste them ass-to-mouth! Back outside, naked Sheena and Sophia blast out creamy enema flumes! Scene 2 – Gooner Fetish: Sheena and Aiden Starr wear dark, dramatic ensembles: Extremely busty blonde Aiden’s big boobs spill from her black-and-purple lingerie. Lithe, dirty blonde Sheena’s shiny, black vinyl leotard complements her hot legs and rear. The Gooner’s lens settles on Aiden’s fabulous tits and cleavage, and she flaunts her jiggling jugs in his face. Sheena gets to bury her face in Aiden’s hefty, shimmying breasts. Next, foot fetish: Sheena sucks Aiden’s nylon-encased feet, chewing through stockings to suck pink-pedicured toes. The girls rub their feet together and spread their combined 20 toes. Aiden’s feet pin Sheena’s head in Aiden’s crotch; Aiden humps back, enveloping Sheena’s face in fragrant flesh. Scene 3 – Gooner School Team ‘Bate!: The cameraman arrives late for a debate team shoot with Sheena and voluptuous Tommy King, who wear short blue skirts (with no panties) and high heels. Sheena sniffs Tommy’s tush, to make the cameraman jealous. Re-emerging in tight white dresses, the girls offer spectacular tease. Sheena massages oil and a big, chrome phallus into Tommy’s bouncy derriere. Tommy’s booty claps audibly, and her anus gapes. Sheena gives her a lesbian rim job. A freaky, twin-dick dildo means a double-anal reaming via a single toy for Sheena! The ladies throat opposite ends of a long phallus, drooling into a bowl and then slurping up the slobber. Each bunghole accommodates a towering, massive glass dildo. When Tommy spits into Sheena’s gaping rectum, it emits spit bubbles and lube! A fat toy makes her asshole gape repeatedly and hugely. She perches her farting posterior over the cameraman’s face. Scene 4 – White Shorts And Pink Balls: Sheena and curvaceous, bodacious Gia Derza work out in matching outfits (pink tops, tight white cotton shorts over panties, stripper heels). Taut fabric stretches revealingly over ass and pussy anatomy. From his place on the floor, the Gooner cameraman captures exciting shots of rolling butt cheeks. Sheena caresses Gia’s natural tits and squeezes her own thick nipple hard-ons. The flexible girls perform splits, splaying their lithe legs acrobatically. They peel down their shorts to show string bikini panties, open cracks, buttholes and bald boxes. Sheena and Gia stuff large, lubricated balls into their derrieres; they spread their cheeks with two hands as the big balls stretch their cratering bungholes! And they taste the toys A2M. Scene 5 “Breakfast At Sheena’s”: Wearing rainbow-hued finery amid fluffy, white set decoration, exciting kinksters Sheena and Aiden resemble fruity breakfast food in milk… Dominant Aiden’s gigantic strap-on dildo looks too fat, but Sheena impales her butthole on it and rides, rump humping prettily. Sheena dons a bulbous strap-on; Aiden takes the nasty phallus in her furry snatch. We can see into Sheena’s pink rectum through a clear glass dildo. Ms. Starr pries a metal speculum into Ms. Shaw and turns the key, stretching Sheena’s sphincter. Aiden drools mouthfuls of milk into Sheena’s open orifice and pours rainbow cereal loops inside! Sheena pumps her internal anatomy, spilling the breakfast food graphically. Sploshing: Aiden scoops cereal and milk from Sheena’s colon to spoon-feed Sheena and herself! Milk and cereal run from Sheena’s distended, milk-spewing bunghole. Scene 6 – Batter Up: Poolside, Sheena and Gia sport shades, clear heels and tight shorts. Gia feels nature’s call, and liquid suddenly sluices from her shorts as the girls laugh. They submerge their bottoms in the pool, twerking, playing, peeling shorts down seductively in the sunshine. Gia pries and pumps the wide end of a baseball bat into Sheena’s lubed anus! Sheena’s gaping backdoor makes a lewd noise when Gia pulls the bat out. Sheena returns the favor, sliding the bat’s fat end into Gia’s slippery, gaping bunghole. Lube squirts every time Sheena pulls the bat out. They sunbathe in slingshot bikinis; in the water, they paddle about nearly naked on inflated floats. The girls play with a massive, teal dildo and an expandable butt plug. Sheena rims Gia’s open rear orifice, which winks goodbye to the camera.